
最後更新日期 : 2024-05-15

人社一館特色空間使用登記 Registration for use of "Featured space" in NDHU College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building I
Welcome to "Featured space" of International Ph.D. Program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language & International Master Program in Teaching Chinese and Calligraphy
Please keep the environment clean when using this place, lower you voice, turn off the light and return to the original state when you leave.
Smoking and drinking are prohibited in this place. Can not paste them randomly.
Thank you for your cooperation!


NO. 申請人 單位 使用日期 使用時段
1 康○恫 諮臨系 2023.09.29 17:30~
2 阮氏○映 華語博 2023.09.28 17:30~
3 劉○通 語傳系 2023.09.28 10:30~12:00
4 Anggoro Pr-- 經濟系 2023.12.10 17:00~
5 柯○雯 亞太博 2023.12.29 16:00~22:00
6 余○媛 會計系 2023.12.22 21:00~
7 康○桐 諮臨系 2024.01.17 20:30~24:00
8 林○如 中文系 2024.05.19 08:00~19:00