【Student Dormitory】Important Information for Dormitory Closing, 2019-2020 Academic Year

update date : 2020-07-01

Dear Students,
Since this semester will be ending soon, here’s some important information regarding the student dormitory:
1.	Dormitory closing:
1)	All the dormitories will be closed between 2020/07/06(Mon) 12:00 to 2020/09/10(Thu) 12:00. During the closing period, no one will be allowed enter the dormitories without permission. Failing to adhere to the regulations will result in a penalty. If you didn’t apply for a dormitory next semester, please finish the required dormitory leaving procedures before 2020/07/06 (Mon)12:00.
2)	Even though the dormitory and room preference is specified by applicants, residents must comply with any arrangements made by the Student Living Services Division due to the dormitory accommodation conditions.
3)	See the attachment for details regarding our luggage storage services. 
2.	Summer Vacation Dormitory (application is required):
1)	Accommodation period: 2020/07/06(Mon) 17:00 to 2020/08/31(Mon) 12:00.
2)	Visitors are not allowed in the dormitories during the summer vacation. Do not go inside the dormitory if you are not a resident for the summer term. Individuals who abstain from following this rule shall be penalized. For more information regarding the summer dormitory regulations, please refer to the attached document.
3.	Please refer to the attachment for any relevant epidemic prevention measures and precautions during the summer vacation, and before the start of the next semester in the student dormitory	
If you have any questions, please contact 03-8906217.

Your safety, OSA's delight!
Student Living Services Division Office of Student Affairs